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Volume: 1 Issue: 11, 3/30/11

Year: 2011


Research Article


The Journal of Islamic Sciences is a peer-reviewed scholarly journal that has been electronically published twice a year (in March and November) since 2006. The aim of the Journal of Islamic Sciences is to contribute to the field of theology by providing a platform for scholarly work. In this context, our journal aims to publish research articles, review articles, translated articles, and case presentations related to religious studies (Social and Humanities/Religious Studies). The publication of scientific studies in these fields will not only contribute to the universality of knowledge but also facilitate accessibility to information. Therefore, our ultimate goal is to transmit the knowledge produced in the name of science to society without any expectation of return and to strengthen the universality of science. Articles submitted for publication undergo double-blind peer review by at least two referees. Additionally, the absence of plagiarism and prior publication of articles is confirmed through the use of the plagiarism detection software provided by Dergipark's İntihal.net  program.

The Journal of Islamic Sciences, under the category of Religious Studies, covers versatile original works prepared in the fields and subfields of Basic Islamic Sciences, Philosophy and Religious Sciences, Islamic History and Arts, and Religious Culture and Ethics Education. Our journal publishes academic articles in the following areas. These articles can be in Turkish or English.

Basic Islamic Sciences:
Exegesis (Tafsir), Hadith, Theology (Kalam), Islamic Law (Fiqh), History of Islamic Schools of Thought, Sufism, Arabic Language and Literature

Philosophy and Religious Sciences:
Islamic Philosophy, Philosophy of Religion, Psychology of Religion, Sociology of Religion, Religious Education, History of Religions, History of Philosophy, Logic

Islamic History and Arts:
Islamic History (From the Beginning to the End of the Ottoman Empire), History of Islamic Arts, Turkish-Islamic Literature, Islamic Music

The Journal of Islamic Sciences is an independent, double-blind peer-reviewed, open-access, online publication that aims to publish articles in all relevant fields mentioned here. Articles should present original data that have not been previously published or submitted elsewhere for publication. Articles deemed suitable according to the submission guidelines and the scope of the journal are sent for scientific evaluation by at least two expert referees in the field. The Editorial Board of the Journal of Islamic Sciences, after discussing the suitability, takes into account the comments of the reviewers for each submission. The final decision for all submitted articles rests with the Chief Editor. The Editorial Board of the Journal of Islamic Sciences is committed to adhering to the criteria of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

Subject Category:
Social Sciences: Field Studies / Sufi Studies / Religious Studies

Basic Islamic Sciences: Exegesis, Hadith, Theology, Islamic Law, History of Islamic Schools of Thought, Sufism, Arabic Language and Literature
Philosophy and Religious Sciences: Islamic Philosophy, Philosophy of Religion, Psychology of Religion, Sociology of Religion, Religious Education, History of Religions, History of Philosophy, Logic
Islamic History and Arts: Islamic History, History of Islamic Arts, Turkish-Islamic Literature, Islamic Music, Religious Culture and Ethics Education

Field of Science:
Basic Islamic Sciences, Philosophy and Religious Sciences, Islamic History and Arts

Related to Islamic sciences: Exegesis, Quran, Recitation, Hadith, Theology, Islamic Law, Islamic Schools of Thought, Sufism, Arabic Language, Arabic Literature, Philosophy, Religious Sciences, Islamic Philosophy, Philosophy of Religion, Psychology of Religion, Sociology of Religion, Religious Education, History of Religions, History of Philosophy, Logic, Islamic History, Islamic Arts, Turkish-Islamic Literature, Islamic Music, Religious Culture, Ethics, Psychology, Philosophy, Sociology, Islamic Civilization

Publication Language:
Full Text Publication Language:
• Primary Language: Turkish
• Secondary Language: English

Content Written in English and Latin Alphabet:
• Article Title: Turkish & English
• Author Name: Turkish (in Latin Alphabet)
• Author Affiliation: Turkish (in Latin Alphabet)
• Keywords: Turkish & English
• References: Turkish (in Latin Alphabet)

Content Written in Arabic and Latin Alphabet:
• Article Title: Turkish & Arabic & English
• Author Name: Turkish (in Latin Alphabet)
• Author Affiliation: Turkish (in Latin Alphabet)
• Keywords: Turkish & Arabic & English
• References: Turkish (in Latin Alphabet)
Full Text: Turkish (in Latin Alphabet)

Article Submissions:
Submitted articles must be relevant to the aims and scope of the journal. Original, unpublished, and not under consideration for review elsewhere, and approved by all authors for submission.

Target Audience:
The target audience includes professionals conducting research in the field of Islamic Sciences, as well as students, readers, and institutions interested in this area.

Fee Policy:
There are no charges for article publication and processing in the journal. No processing fees or submission fees are charged for articles submitted to or accepted for publication in the journal. The Journal of Islamic Sciences does not accept sponsorship or advertisements as part of its publication policies. All expenses of the Journal of Islamic Sciences are covered by the Çorum Çağrı Education Foundation.

The copyright of works published in the Journal of Islamic Sciences belongs to the authors. Authors allow the Journal of Islamic Sciences to publish their submitted intellectual work under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0) license.

Originality of Articles:
The Journal of Islamic Sciences does not accept previously published works. However, occasionally, articles published in a foreign language may be considered.

Language: Turkish, English.
The language of the journal is Turkish and English.
Types of Articles: Research, Case Presentation, Review, and Translation articles.
Author Changes: Author changes are processed only before the article is accepted. Authors should carefully review and confirm the list and order of authors before submitting their articles, and provide the final list of authors during the original submission.

Writing Rules
1- Articles submitted to the Journal of Islamic Sciences must be prepared according to the citation system (İSNAD Footnote Citation System, 2nd Edition), article template (Template), and writing rules. Articles that do not comply with the journal's writing rules and article template will not be considered for evaluation.
2- Our journal is published twice a year, on March 15 and November 15, as open access. The deadline for submission for the March issue is January 15, and for the November issue is September 15.
3- The Journal of Islamic Sciences is open to scientific studies in all fields of Social and Human Sciences. Submitted articles should be appropriate to the aim and scope of the journal. Otherwise, they will not be considered for preliminary review.
4- Original, unpublished, and not under consideration in another journal, articles approved by each author for content and submission will be considered for evaluation. Only one article by the same author will be processed in the same publication period.
5- Articles should be submitted electronically through the journal's website on DergiPark. All documents and files should be submitted as Word documents (.doc or .docx).
6- Author information should be included in the text in the initial application. Full name, title, institution, field, email, telephone number, as well as ORCID and ROR ID numbers should also be mentioned.
7- Submitted articles should include a 250-word Turkish and English abstract reflecting the content of the study comprehensively, as well as at least 5 Turkish and English keywords. The first keyword must be the name of the relevant scientific field. The introduction section and the titling system should not be neglected. The English abstract should not be generated solely using online translation programs, and particular attention should be paid to common English equivalents of field-specific terms. Brill Encyclopedia of Islam can be consulted for the English equivalents of terms.
8- Double-Blind Peer Review: Articles evaluated by the editor in terms of originality, methodology, importance of the topic, and compatibility with the scope of the journal undergo plagiarism check. After the preliminary review, they are sent to the field editor. The field editor ensures that the articles undergo double-blind peer review and are evaluated by at least two reviewers. If necessary, the article may be sent to a third reviewer.
9- Publication Decision: If deemed necessary by the reviewers, changes may be made to the submitted manuscript by the author. The Editorial Board decides whether the corrected manuscript will be published. Depending on the workload of article submissions, an article that has received publication approval may not be published in the current issue.
10- All articles that do not comply with accepted ethical standards will be withdrawn from publication. This includes articles identified as potentially violating rules or containing inappropriate content after publication.
11- Permanent Article Identifier: A DOI is assigned to all articles for which a publication decision has been made.
12- Published articles are digitally archived in LOCKSS. The LOCKSS system has permission to collect, preserve, and provide access to this archival unit.
13- For articles requiring Ethics Committee approval, Ethics Committee approval must be obtained, and this approval (committee name, date, and number) must be indicated on the first page and in the methods section of the article (Please review the Journal's Ethics Principles and Publication Policy).
14- All expenses of the journal are covered by the Publisher. There is no fee for article publication or processing in the journal.

To examine the citation system we use in more detail, see:
İSNAD In-Text: https://www.isnadsistemi.org/guide/isnad2/isnad-metinici/
İSNAD Abbreviations: https://www.isnadsistemi.org/guide/isnad2/akademik-yazim/24-kisaltmalar-dizini-turkce-ingilizce-arapca/
İSNAD Abstract Writing: https://www.isnadsistemi.org/guide/isnad2/akademik-yazim/4-oz-ve-ozet-yazimi/
İSNAD Citing and Quoting: https://www.isnadsistemi.org/guide/isnad2/akademik-yazim/20-atif-ve-alinti-yapmak/
İSNAD Academic Writing: https://www.isnadsistemi.org/guide/isnad2/akademik-yazim/

Final Checklist
It is hoped that this list will be useful during the final check of the prepared article before uploading it to the journal system.
Make sure the following items are available:
Author information added.
• Email address
• Full postal address
• Telephone number
All necessary files uploaded.
• Full text of the article
• Copyright Agreement
"Writing Check" and "Grammar Check" of the article have been performed.
All references mentioned in the bibliography are cited in the text, and vice versa.

Submit Article
In submissions, the account of the corresponding author should be used. All correspondence related to the submission is sent to the responsible author via electronic mail through the journal system.
When uploading the article file, make sure it does not contain any elements that would disclose the author's identity due to the double-blind peer review process.

Files to be Uploaded Separately:
Full Article Text
Copyright Notification Text
Author Guide

Duties and Responsibilities of Authors

Authorship and Contribution
Authorship should be limited to those who made significant contributions to the conception, design, conduct, or interpretation of the study. All significant contributors should be listed as co-authors. If there are minor contributors, e.g. language editing, they should be acknowledged in the acknowledgements section. The corresponding author should ensure that all co-authors have seen and approved the final version of the manuscript and agree to its submission for publication. Authors are expected to carefully review the list and order of authors before submitting their manuscript and to provide the final author list at the time of original submission. Only in exceptional circumstances will the editor consider the addition, deletion, or reorganisation of authors after the manuscript has been submitted. All authors must agree to any such addition, deletion or reorganisation. Authors take joint responsibility for the work.

Author Change Requests
Addition, deletion or rearrangement of author names in the author list can only be made before the manuscript is accepted and only if approved by the Editor of the journal.
If such a change is requested, the Editor will request from the responsible author (a) the reason for the change in the author list and (b) written confirmation (e-mail) from all authors that they agree to the addition. Only in exceptional cases will the Editor consider the addition, deletion or reorganisation of authors after the article has been accepted.

Article Writing
Authors of original research papers should address the topic in an original way and with an objective discussion. The paper should include sufficient detail and references to allow others to replicate the work. Fraudulent or knowingly false statements constitute unethical behaviour and are unacceptable.

The author should provide assurance that the article is original, has not been previously published elsewhere, and is not under consideration for publication elsewhere, in another language.

Using Original Sources and Citation
Authors must ensure that they have written entirely original work and, if they have used the work or words of others, that this is properly cited. Privately obtained information, such as in conversations, correspondence or discussions with third parties, should not be used without the express written permission of the source.

Data Access and Preservation
Authors may be asked to provide research data supporting their articles for editorial review and/or to comply with the journal's open data requirements. Authors should be prepared to provide public access to such data, if possible, and to retain such data for a reasonable period after publication. The journal recommends uploading research data to TUBITAK's Aperta Portal.

Multiple and Simultaneous Publication
An author should not publish an article containing the same research in more than one journal. It is unethical to submit the same article to more than one journal at the same time. An author should not submit a previously published article for consideration in another journal, except in the form of an abstract.

Publication of Studies Based on Questionnaires and Interviews
For research in all disciplines that require ethics committee approval (ethics committee approval must be obtained, this approval must be stated and documented in the article. In researches requiring ethics committee approval, information about the approval (name of the committee, date and number) should be included in the method section, as well as on one of the first/last pages of the article; in case reports, information on the signature of the informed consent form should be included in the article.

Conflict of Interest
Any financial or other interest that may cause the person to be conflicted in his/her work, significantly impair his/her objectivity, or provide an unfair advantage in favour of any person or organisation. All sources of financial support received during the conduct of the research and preparation of the manuscript and the role of sponsors in the study should be disclosed. If there is no source of funding, this should also be indicated. Examples of potential conflicts of interest that should be disclosed include consultancies, salaries, grants. Potential conflicts of interest should be disclosed at the earliest possible stage.

Error Reporting
When an author notices a significant error or inaccuracy in his/her published work, he/she should notify the journal immediately. It is also the author's obligation to co-operate in withdrawing or correcting the manuscript if deemed necessary by the editor. If the editor or publisher learns from a third party that a published work contains errors, it is the author's obligation to co-operate with the editor, including informing the editor.

Image Integrity
It is unacceptable to enhance, darken, move, remove or add a specific feature in an image. Authors must adhere to the policy for graphic images implemented by the journal.

Publication Ethics Principles
Publication Ethics can be defined as a self-regulatory mechanism that insists on integrity on behalf of authors, reviewers and publishers to establish higher standards of editorial processing. Ethical standards for publication exist to ensure high-quality scientific publications, public trust in scientific findings, and respect for people's opinions.
• Honest researchers do not plagiarize.
• They do not misattribute sources.
• They do not hide objections they cannot refute.
• They do not distort opposing views.
• They do not destroy or hide data.

Peer-reviewed studies are studies that support and actualize the scientific method. At this point, it is of great importance that all parties involved in the publication process (authors, readers and researchers, publisher, referees and editors) comply with ethical principles. The Journal of Islamic Sciences adheres to national and international standards of research and publication ethics. It complies with the Press Law, the Law on Intellectual and Artistic Works and the Directive on Scientific Research and Publication Ethics of Higher Education Institutions. The Journal of Islamic Sciences has adopted the International Ethical Publishing Principles published by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) and Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association (OASPA). It is also committed to abide by the decisions of the Turkish Editors' Workshop.
• Press Law (National Legislation)
• Law on Intellectual and Artistic Works (National Legislation)
• Higher Education Institutions Scientific Research and Publication Ethics Directive (National Legislation)
• Transparency and Best Practice Principles in Academic Publishing (International Criteria)
• Turkey Editors' Workshop Decisions (National Criteria)

Journal of Islamic Sciences publishes academic studies within the scope of Islam and other religious sciences. It publishes original studies prepared in the fields of Islamic History, Islamic Sciences, History of Religions, Philosophy and Religious Sciences, and other related disciplines.

The Processes of the Articles are as follows:
Stage 1 Article Submission Acceptance
Stage 2 Completion of Preliminary Review of Articles
Stage 3 Referee Evaluation Process
Stage 4 Final Revisions and Publication Process

Spelling Check: Texts are examined in terms of form, spelling rules, and compliance with the ISNAD Citation System. Authors of the texts that require correction must make their corrections within 11 days.
Plagiarism/Similarity Check: Plagiarism/Similarity Check: Texts are examined for plagiarism/similarity. The plagiarism/similarity rate set by the Editorial Board is 20%. Manuscripts exceeding this rate are rejected without being included in the referee process. Plagiarism/Similarity check is performed twice, after the Editorial Board evaluation and before the Language Control process. Authors of manuscripts that require corrections should send their corrections within 11 days for the first check and within 4 days for the second check.
Language Check: Abstract for Turkish texts and Abstract and Abstract sections for texts written in other languages are grammatically checked. Authors of the texts for which corrections are requested should send their corrected texts within 5 days.
Proofreading and Redaction: Without interfering with the content of the text, corrections are made within the knowledge of the author regarding the language and style of the text in order to ensure unity of linguistic expression and spelling. After this stage, no corrections are requested from the author, but the text is sent to the author for final reading.

Academic Evaluation
Editorial Board Evaluation:

Editorial Board evaluation has 2 stages. Each article is sent to two editorial board members by the editor, taking into account the field. In the Editorial Board evaluation process, a double blind evaluation system is applied.
In the first stage, the Editorial Board members divide the manuscripts into two as those that can be included in the evaluation process and those that will be rejected.
Editorial Board members score the articles as specified in the Editorial Board Evaluation Criteria.
Within the framework of the scoring received from the editorial board, the editor assigns the first 25 articles with the highest scores to the evaluation process.
The main criterion for the editor's assignment is that the field editor should be working in the field of the evaluations.

Referee Evaluation:
Texts are subjected to academic evaluation by referees determined by the editorial board. During the peer review process, if requested by the referee, the manuscript is sent to the author twice for corrections. Authors are required to send corrected manuscripts within 8 days for each correction request. The author must also complete the Author Correction Form with the corrected manuscript. When there are positive and negative referee reports for the same article, the decision about the article is made by the Editorial Board, taking into account the content of the reports.
It is important that authors do not exceed the deadlines given for corrections in order for the journal publication process to run smoothly.
The manuscripts of authors who do not make their corrections within the specified deadlines will be removed from the evaluation process.

Refereeing Policy
The Journal of Islamic Sciences employs a double blind reviewing system.
Confidentiality is essential in referee reports; for this reason, the names of the referees are not included in the journal's imprint.
More than one article can be sent to one referee in one issue.

Publication Language
• The publication language of the Journal of Islamic Sciences is Turkish and English scientific studies are also published.
• Studies in other languages are decided by the Editorial Board.
• Turkish translations of Abstract and Keywords sections of articles written in English are also published.

Code of Ethics
The Journal of Islamic Sciences expects all stakeholders to carry the ethical responsibilities described below within the scope of publication ethics.
The following ethical duties and responsibilities are based on the guidelines and policies published in open access by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) (see COPE Guidelines in Turkish).
Publishing an article in a peer-reviewed journal is an essential building block in the development of a cohesive and respected knowledge network. It is a direct reflection of the quality of the work of the authors and their supporting institutes. Peer-reviewed articles support and shape the scientific method. It is therefore important for all parties involved in publishing - authors, journal editors, reviewers and publishing organizations - to agree on standards of expected ethical behavior:

1. Authorship
• The bibliography list must be complete.
• Plagiarism and fake data should not be included.
• The same research should not be attempted to be published in more than one journal and should comply with the ethics of scientific research and publication.
Actions against scientific research and publication ethics are as follows:
a) Plagiarism: Presenting the ideas, methods, data, applications, writings, forms or works of others as one's own work in whole or in part without citing the owners in accordance with scientific rules,
b) Forgery: Producing data that is not based on research, editing or modifying a submitted or published work based on untrue data, reporting or publishing them, presenting a research that has not been conducted as if it has been conducted,
c) Distortion: Falsifying research records and data obtained, falsifying methods, devices and materials that were not used in the research, excluding data that are not in accordance with the research hypothesis, manipulating data and/or results to fit relevant theories or assumptions, falsifying or shaping research results in line with the interests of the persons and organizations receiving support,
ç) Re-publication: Presenting more than one work containing the same results of a research as separate works in associate professorship exam evaluations and academic promotions,
d) Slicing: Presenting the results of a research as separate works in associate professorship exam evaluations and academic promotions by inappropriately dividing the results of a research into parts in a way that disrupts the integrity of the research and by making many publications without citing each other,
e) Unfair authorship: Including persons without active contribution among the authors, not including persons with active contribution among the authors, changing the order of authors in an unjustified and inappropriate manner, omitting the names of active contributors from the work during publication or in subsequent editions, using his/her influence to have his/her name included among the authors even though he/she has not made an active contribution,
f) Other types of ethical violations: Failure to clearly indicate the persons, institutions or organizations that provided support and their contributions to the research in the publications of the research conducted with support, failure to comply with ethical rules in research on humans and animals, failure to respect patient rights in publications, sharing the information contained in a work assigned to review as a referee with others before publication, misuse of resources, spaces, facilities and devices provided or allocated for scientific research, making completely groundless, unwarranted and deliberate accusations of ethical violations (YÖK Scientific Research and Publication Ethics Directive, Article 8).

2. Author's Responsibilities
• All authors must contribute significantly to the research.
• All data in the manuscript must be declared to be true and authentic.
• All authors must ensure retraction and correction of errors.

3. Editorial Responsibilities
• Editors have full responsibility and authority to accept or reject an article.
• Editors should not be in conflict of interest regarding the articles they accept or reject.
• Only articles that will contribute to the field should be accepted.
• Support the publication or withdrawal of corrections when errors are found.
• Keep the names of the referees confidential and prevent plagiarism/fake data.

Conflicts of Interest
A conflict of interest occurs when professional judgment about a primary interest may be influenced by a secondary interest (such as financial gain or personal competition). We believe that we need to know the competing interests of the authors in order to make the best decision about how to handle an article, and that if we publish the article, readers need to know them too.
Any interest, financial or otherwise, that could cause one to be conflicted in one's work, significantly impair one's objectivity, or give an unfair advantage to any person or organization. All sources of financial support received during the conduct of the research and preparation of the manuscript and the role of sponsors in the study should be disclosed. If there is no source of funding, this should also be indicated. Examples of potential conflicts of interest that should be disclosed include consultancies, salaries, grants. Potential conflicts of interest should be disclosed at the earliest possible stage.
The Journal of Islamic Sciences has a set process for handling submissions from editors, staff or editorial board members to ensure impartial review. Such submissions are first referred to other journals. If this is not possible, the author of the submission is suspended from the journal. These submissions are reviewed in a double blind process.
The editor should not be involved in decisions on manuscripts written by him/herself or by family members. Furthermore, such a paper should be subject to all the usual procedures of the journal. The editor should follow the COPE guidelines on disclosure of potential conflicts of interest by authors and reviewers.

Principles of Research Ethics
The Journal of Islamic Sciences observes the highest standards in research ethics and adopts the international principles of research ethics defined below. It is the responsibility of the authors to ensure that their articles comply with ethical rules.
• The principles of integrity, quality and transparency should be ensured in the design, review of the design and conduct of the research.
• The research team and participants should be fully informed about the purpose of the research, its methods and possible anticipated uses, and the requirements and risks, if any, of participation in the research.
• Confidentiality of information provided by research participants and confidentiality of respondents must be ensured. The research should be designed to protect the autonomy and dignity of the participants.
• Research participants should take part in the research voluntarily and should not be under any coercion.
• Harm to participants should be avoided. The research should be planned in a way that does not put participants at risk.
• Research independence must be clear and explicit; any conflict of interest must be stated.
• In experimental studies with human subjects, the written informed consent of the participants who decide to participate in the research must be obtained. Consent must be obtained from the legal guardian of children and those under guardianship or with a confirmed mental illness.
• If the study will be conducted in any institution or organization, approval must be obtained from this institution or organization that the study will be conducted.
• In studies with a human component, it should be stated in the "method" section that "informed consent" has been obtained from the participants and ethics committee approval has been obtained from the institution where the study is conducted.

It is mandatory for studies/articles that require data collection from individuals using scales, questionnaires, interviews and other data collection tools.
Approval must be obtained from the Ethics Committee of the university to which the author is affiliated.
The board approval must be indicated on the first page of the article with the name of the board, date and number.
In the method section of the article, the start and end dates of data collection should be written.
The approval document should be attached to DergiPark as an additional file.
For TR Index's opinion on Ethics Committee approval, see https://trdizin.gov.tr/about#applicationAndCriterias 

There are no charges for article publication and processing in the journal. No processing fees or submission fees are charged for articles submitted to or accepted for publication in the journal. The Journal of Islamic Sciences does not accept sponsorship or advertisements as part of its publication policies. All expenses of the Journal of Islamic Sciences are covered by the Çorum Çağrı Education Foundation.

Journal of Islamic Sciences is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License (CC BY NC).